Members of Executive Committee of REEV MED held its regular meeting in Barcelona on 24 of May 2022 . Host of the meeting was the Veterinary Faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Presented members: Nihad Fejzic, president (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Daniele de Meneghi, (Italy), Naim Deniz Ayaz (Turkiye), Ehab Abu Basha (Jordan)
Excused: Andrej Kirbis (Slovenia), Noursaid Tligui (Marrocco), Abdelfettah Ettriqui (Tunis), Pierre Sans (France)
- Feedback from the Executive Committee and General Assembly held on line on 3 of June 2021;
- Financial report of the REEV-Med Association
- Adoption of Work plan od REEV MEED for 2022 – 2025
- Preparation of the next REEV-Med General Assembly
- Discussion and conclusions
Conclusions from the meeting:
- Honorary president of REEEV MED Prof. Dr André Laurent Parodi passed away on 15 of May 2022. Pr. Parodi was the establisher and the most prominent supporter of REEV MED. Members of Executive committee of REEV MED used this opportunity to pay a tribute for his commitment and enthusiasm for veterinary education, as well as for the warmth of his human relations that we appreciated so much. He will remain in our memories forever.
- General assembly of REEV MED is planned to be held in last quarter of 2022. Executive committee proposed to organize this meeting in a blended form. Proposed venue for meeting is Ljubljana (Slovenia), and date will be decided. However, all agreed that funding for traveling and accommodation for participants need to be provided in case of face to face meeting.
- Membership renewal is expected to be paid in 2023; the amount will remain set at 300 EUR.
- There is need to further explore willingness of OIE to continue funding for REEV MED general assembly.
- Working groups will be established on:
a. Committee on One Health
b. Committee on Animal Health and Welfare
c. Committee on Veterinary Education and Accreditation
d. Committee on International Communication and Cooperation
Members and composition of working groups will be proposed by next GA meeting.
6. REEV MED members need to explore possibility for application on international grants and projects. However, there might be a need to extend mandate of organization and better communication with national veterinary services as well.