
REEV-Med Statute approved at the General
Assembly held in Hammamet (Tunisia) on 13 December 2017

Association Mediterranean Network of Establishment for Veterinary Education: « REEV-MED »


Article 1: It is created an association named “Mediterranean Network of Establishment for Veterinary Education” with the acronym REEV-Med (« Réseau des Etablissements d’enseignement vétérinaire de la Méditerranée » in French). This association is registered according to the procedure defined by the French law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of 16 August 1901.

Article 2: The Headquarters of the Association is established at the Institute of higher education, VetAgro Sup, Veterinary Campus (Lyon – France) [1 Avenue Bourgelat, 69280 Marcy-l’Étoile, France]. It can be moved upon decision of the General Assembly of the Association.


Article 3: The Association’s mission is to develop and strengthen cooperation between the Veterinary Education Establishments (VEE) of the countries around the Mediterranean Sea or with other competent bodies in the field of veterinary education. The Association also aims to promote international standards on veterinary education in the Mediterranean countries.

In particular, the objectives are:

  • to promote a process of evaluation, harmonization and standardization of veterinary curricula among the VEE members of the Association, in accordance with relevant international standards including the OIE recommendations on the minimum competencies (“Day 1 graduates”);
  • to improve the quality of veterinary education dispensed by those members that are not yet recognised by any international accreditations procedure;
  • to assist the Association’s VEE members to be prepared for international evaluation of veterinary education;
  • to promote teaching staff and students exchanges between its members in the region as well as with institutions in others parts of the world;
  • to facilitate twinning or similar projects between VEE members within the region;
  • to promote and facilitate development of research capacity and distribution of veterinary education materials;
  • to support the steps towards international accreditations;
  • to provide assistance to its members in order to facilitate the development of the curricula and the adjustment of their teaching methods.


Article 4: REEV-Med membership is opened for any Veterinary Education Establishment (VEE) of Mediterranean countries, recognised by a competent ministerial authority and whose degree is approved by the authorities of each country, and pays the annual fees as set up by the General Assembly.

The founding members are all the requesting VEE present or represented at the constituent meeting of the Association held on 14 October 2015 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The Association may include observers admitted upon decision of the General Assembly.

The Association has an Honorary President, Professor André Laurent Parodi.

Article 5: To be admitted as a member it is required to:

  • meet the conditions defined in Article 4;
  • send an official request to the President of the Association approved by the relevant authorities according to the national rules of each VEE;
  • be accepted by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly.

Membership is effective only after the payment of the first contribution.

Article 6: The membership will cease:

  • by written resignation presented to the President;
  • or in case of non-payment of the membership fees for two consecutive years, except for exceptional circumstances which have been considered by the Executive Committee;
  • or by decision of the General Assembly following a request of the Executive Committee.


Article 7: The governing bodies of the Association are:

  • the General Assembly,
  • the Executive Committee.

A- The General Assembly

Article 8: The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association. It disposes of all necessary powers for the functioning and management of the Association.

In this capacity, the General Assembly:

  • elects the members of the Executive Committee by secret ballot;
  • adopts its own internal procedures as well as those of the Executive Committee;
  • adopts any proposed amendment of the statute;
  • adopts the annual budget, the annual membership fees amount and the annual financial and moral reports;
  • approves the annual work plan;
  • decides about the admission or exclusion of members upon the Executive Committee proposal.

Article 9: The General Assembly is composed of the Directors or Deans of each VEE member or their duly authorised representatives. Collaborators/observers might be invited without voting rights.

In case of vote, each VEE member who has paid the annual fees has the right to one single vote. The Honorary President also has one vote. The votes are passed by a simple majority of the votes cast excepted for the adoption of a modification of the statute for which a two-thirds majority is mandatory. The General Assembly’s decisions become valid only if they are adopted in respect of a quorum established as, at least, half of the number of the VEE members, including delegate votes. Should the quorum not be reached, a second meeting of the Association shall be called at which a deliberation and a vote will take place irrespective of the quorum.

Article 10: The General Assembly is chaired by the President of the Association.

It meets in ordinary session at least once a year on convocation by the President at such time and place as determined by the previous General Assembly or on a proposal of the Executive Committee. The agenda is determined by the President in conjunction with the Executive Committee.

B- Executive Committee

Article 11: The Executive Committee is composed of the President of the Association, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer assisted by two additional members. It is chaired by the President of the Association.

The mandate of each member of the Executive Committee, including the President, will be three years long renewable once consecutively.

Each candidate for a position in the Executive Committee must hold at the time of the election a position of Dean, Director or equivalent of one of the approved VEE member of the REEV-Med. In case of expiration of his/her function of Dean or equivalent during his/her mandate, any member of the Executive Committee is maintained up to the end of his/her mandate except if he/she decides to resign. In case of Executive Committee member resignation, he/she will be replaced by election at the next General Assembly.

The Honorary President is regularly invited to the General Assembly’s and the Executive Committee’s meetings.

Article 12: In the absence of the President, the Executive Committee and/or the General Assembly are chaired by the Vice-President.

Article 13: The Executive Committee is convened by the President at least twice a year, or at the request of half of the members of the Association, and as often as the benefit of the Association requires. In exceptional cases, the Executive Committee can take decisions by electronic votes. The draft agenda of the meeting is proposed by the President.

The presence of at least four members of the Executive Committee is mandatory for the validity of decisions. These ones are taken by majority vote of the present members. In a case of a tied vote, the President’s vote is decisive.

The deliberations of the Executive Committee are recorded in the minutes signed by the President and the Secretary General.

Article 14: The Executive Committee is responsible to the General Assembly for the functioning of the Association to which it presents a report of the activities. In particular, it is in charge of:

  • preparing the agenda of the meetings of the General Assembly, the program of activities, strategic priorities and the budget;
  • proposing the annual membership fee;
  • implementing the decisions of the General Assembly;
  • ensuring the smooth running of the Association between the sessions of the General Assembly.

Article 15: The President is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Executive Committee and the General Assembly. He/she represents the Association.

The Secretary is in charge of writing the minutes.

The Treasurer is charged to make all payments, to receive the funds of the Association and, under the control of the President, to keep the accounts of the Association.

C- The resources

Article 16: The resources of the Association consist of:

  • the annual membership fees which amount is set by the General Assembly,
  • the contributions of the members,
  • any subsidies, donations or bequests provided that after official registration, the Association meets the criteria required to receive donations as required by the regulations in force,
  • any financing projects.


Article 17: The statute may be modified by the General Assembly by a majority of two thirds of the members. Requests for modifications can be submitted either by the Executive Committee or by at least one third of the members of the Association. They should be addressed to the President three months before a meeting of the General Assembly by which they will be examined.

The amendments adopted by the General Assembly become effective immediately.

Article 18: In case of dissolution or cessation of the activity for whatever reason, the assets of the Association will be shared between the members through a General Assembly decision.

Article 19: The present statute comes into force upon adoption by the constituent General Assembly.


Article 20: The rules of procedure are determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly. These rules of procedure target the objective to regulate any business neither foreseen nor determined by the statute.

Article 21: The present statute comes into force on the day of its adoption by the General Assembly, repeals and replaces the previous one.

As a transitional measure, the currently elected members of the Executive Committee on the day of the adoption of the statute by the General Assembly will stay in position until the elective General Assembly of year 2019 and can be re-elected for one more mandate in accordance with Article 11 of the present statute.

en_GBEnglish (UK)