The 7th REEV-Med General Assembly was coupled with the Mediterranean Veterinary
Congress held on 13 and 14 December 2018 in Kırıkkale (Turkey). The General
Assembly was chaired by the President, Prof. Nihad Fejzić (Bosnia and
Herzegovina) and gathered 10 Deans or representatives from the Veterinary
Education Establishments based in the Mediterranean basin (Algeria, Turkey,
France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jordan, Italy, Greece, Morocco, Tunisia and Macedonia).
The Honorary President of the REEV-Med Association, Professor André
Laurent Parodi could not attend the Assembly.
The President, welcome the participants and warmly thanked Kırıkkale University, and
in particular Prof Naim Deniz Ayaz for hosting the General Assembly. Afterwards,
the agenda of the General Assembly was adopted by the audience.
Major points of the discussion:
- The OIE Sub-Regional Representation for North Africa reminded the OIE principles and documents elaborated by the OIE concerning the veterinary education and stated that countries and Veterinary Universities should “assimilate” such documents to improve and harmonise the courses. The Accreditation of the veterinary establishments mentioned in the Statutes of the REEV Med Association is a later step and not a first priority. REEV-Med is nowadays ready for defining
achievable objectives to be submitted to donors. - The financial report showed an increased number of universities adhering to the
Association (17 credits in 2018). A total balance in the bank account of the
Association was about 13.000 Euros. The OIE supported financially the
organisation of the meeting but this funding should not be considered as regular
budget and, therefore, should not be included in the budget of the Association.
From this amount a small grant could be made available for project proposal
(calling for idea) along with related criteria to be used to evaluate the
proposal. A letter for renewing the adhesion to the network will be sent by the
President to all universities in early 2019 and asking them to pay by May 2019
the annual fees that will remain unchanged. The President also invited the
participants to check the names of the directors of the universities on the
REEV-Med website and notify to him any change, if necessary. - The President of the REEV-Med proposed to officially request to the OIE to support
the network based on a clear action plan aiming at improving the quality of veterinary
education. The President also summarised the report of the Executive Committee
held in Tunisia in April 2018. - The accreditation system changed over the past 6-7 years. Today many countries have
their national accreditation system within the framework of global perspectives
with some international accreditation bodies. Therefore, it should asked the
role of REEV-Med in this scenario and explore possibilities to play an
intermediate step adopting – for example – the “Day 1 competences” document towards
the accreditation. Some members (e.g. Bologna) reminded that the accreditation
is very expensive to be achieved and maintained thus for REEV-Med it is better
to define few and achievable objectives by making reference at the documents
already in place and formulated guidelines and recommendations such as the “Day
1 competences”. To this end, it is very
important to share between members activities in place in this context. - The Assembly decided to entrust a group led by Prof Ehab Abu-Basha to drfat an action
plan with clear objectives. The group is composed by the following universities
(Kirikalle, Turin, Ankara and Rabat). - It was also mentioned that, the African Association of Veterinary Education Establishments
(2A2E-V) was created in July under the auspice of African Union. The overall
objective of the African Association is to promote information sharing for
quality veterinary Education, training and research and to launch the African
Association of Veterinary Education Establishments. Therefore, REEV-Med should
take into account this new Association and consider potential interaction with
them. - The next General Assembly in 2019 will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The list of participants is attached.8