7th REEV-Med Executive Committee meeting in Tunis (Tunisia) April 2018

Tunis, 12 April 2018. The 7th REEV-Med Executive Committee (EC) meeting was held in Tunis (Tunisia) on 12 April 2018. It was officially opened by the President, Prof. Nihad Fejzic (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Honorary President, Prof. André Laurent Parodi (France), the Vice-president, Prof. Ehab Abu-Basha (Jordan), the Treasurer, Dr Isabelle Chmitelin (France), the Secretary Prof. Abdelfettah Ettriqui and Prof. Pier Paolo Gatta (Italy) were also present. By contrast, Prof. Naim Deniz Ayaz (Turkey) could not attend this meeting. The OIE Sub-Regional Representation for North Africa acted as secretariat and administratively organised the meeting. The meeting was opened by the President providing the other members of the EC with the positive feedback from the 6th REEV-Med General Assembly held on 13 December 2017 in Hammamet (Tunisia). In particular, it was mentioned…
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6th REEV-Med General Assembly (13 December 2017) – Hammamet (Tunisia)

Introduction The 6th REEV-Med General Assembly was coupled with the 5th Congress of Tunisian Veterinary Technical Groups (GTVT) held on 13 and 14 December 2017 in Hammamet (Tunisia). The General Assembly was honored by the presence (courtesy visit) of the Tunisian Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, H.E. Samir Taïeb who welcomed the participants, along with Dr. Malek Zrelli, Chief Veterinary Officer of Tunisia. The General Assembly was chaired by the President, Prof. Nihad Fejzić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and gathered about 20 Deans or representatives from the Veterinary Education Establishments based in the Mediterranean basin (Albania, Algeria, Turkey, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jordan, Italy, Greece, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt). The list of participants is available in Annex 1. The Assembly had also the invaluable contribution of the Honorary…
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The 6th REEV-Med Executive Committee meeting was held in Tunis (Tunisia) on 17 January 2017

The 6th REEV-Med Executive Committee meeting was held in Tunis (Tunisia) on 17 January 2017. It was officially opened by the President, Pr Nihad Fejzic (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Vice-president, Dr Ehab Abu-Basha (Jordan), the Treasurer, Dr Isabelle Chmitelin (France), Dr Pier Paolo Gatta (Italy) and Dr Naim Deniz Ayaz (Turkey) were also present. The Secretary, Pr Samir Ben Romdane (Tunisia), and the Honorary President, Pr André Laurent Parodi (France), could not attend this meeting. The OIE was represented by Dr Tomoko Ishibashi, Senior Manager, Standards Development and Horizontal Management Framework, in charge, among other issues, of veterinary education issues at OIE headquarters. The OIE Sub-Regional Representation for North Africa acted as Secretariat and organised the meeting. The main objective of this meeting was to update the statute of the…
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5th REEV-Med General Assembly (Palermo), 14 June 2016

The new board of the REEV-Med (from the left to the right): Pr André Laurent Parodi (Honorary President of the REEV-Med), Dr Nihad Fejzi? (President of the REEV-Med), Dr Ehab Abu-Basha (Vice-president of the REEV-Med), Dr Samir Ben Romdane (Secretary of the REEV-Med), Dr Rachid Bouguedour (Secretariat of the REEV-Med), Dr Pier Paolo Gatta (Member of the REEV-Med), Dr Isabelle Chmitelin (Treasurer of the REEV-Med). Not on the picture: Naim Deniz Ayaz (Member of the REEV-Med). The 5th REEV-Med General Assembly was coupled with the 70th SISVet (Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie) Congress that was held in Palermo (Italy) from 13th to 16th of June 2016. REEV-Med members were invited to participate to its opening ceremony. After speeches of official local representatives and representatives of the veterinarian Italian community, Dr…
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4th General Assembly of the REEV-Med network, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14 October 2015

In the framework of strengthening veterinary education in the Mediterranean basin, a Network of Establishments for Veterinary Education (REEV-Med in French) was created in 2012 in Rabat (Morocco). The main objectives of the network are: • to encourage and reinforce the collaboration between Establishments for Veterinary Education (EVE) insisting around the Mediterranean basin, and; • to implement in the North African region an evaluation process for EVE similar to the evaluation applied at the European level. Working session About thirty participants representing establishments for veterinary education from the Mediterranean area attended the 4th REEV-Med General Assembly and it was noted the increased number of participants since its creation. This meeting was hosted by the Veterinary faculty University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 14 October 2015 in Sarajevo and it…
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3rd REEV-Med Executive Committee in Hammamet (Tunisia), 10 April 2015

The 3rd Executive Committee meeting of REEV-Med (EC REEV-Med) was scheduled in parallel with the first edition of the International Veterinary Forum organised in the occasion of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the National School of Veterinary Medicine, Sidi Thabet, Tunisia.The OIE was represented by Dr Monique Eloit (OIE Deputy Director General) and Dr Rachid Bouguedour (OIE sub-regional representant for North Africa). Both speakers presented the OIE missions implemented in the field of veterinary education (e.g. veterinary education core curriculum, twinning projects) which is an essential element of the good governance of Veterinary Services. The REEV-Med experience was highlighted in both presentations.Members of the EC REEV-Med welcomed Dr Monique Eloit to join the 3rd Executive Committee meeting. The meeting was the opportunity to make the state of play…
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Organization of the 3th General Assembly of the REEV-Med network, Hammamet – 9 December 2014

In the framework of strengthening veterinary education in the Mediterranean basin, a Network of Establishments for Veterinary Education (REEV-Med in French) was created in 2012 in Rabat (Morocco). The establishment of the REEV-Med network is the result of a process started in October 2010 in Paris during the workshop organised at the National Veterinary School of Alfort in collaboration with the TAIEX Office of the European Commission. The main objectives are to encourage and reinforce the collaborations between Establishments for Veterinary Education (EVE) among the two Mediterranean shores and to implement in the North African region an evaluation process for EVE similar to the evaluation applied at the European level. The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) accepted to participate in the process of evaluating establishments for veterinary…
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REEV-Med Executive Committee meeting in Tunis, 17 and 18 April 2014

Members of the Executive Committee of the Mediterranean Network of Establishments for Veterinary Education (REEV-Med) met in Tunis on 17 and 18 April for an update on the situation of the network, which now includes veterinary education establishments from 19 countries of the Mediterranean basin. On 18 April, they participated in the "Self-Assessment and Accreditation Day of Veterinary Education in Tunisia" organized by the Sidi Thabet National School of Veterinary Medicine, which is 20 km from Tunis. This day was organized as part of the evaluation process developed by the REEV-Med. The next REEV-Med General Assembly will be held in Tunisia on 9 December 2014 in coordination with the GTVT General Assembly which will be held on 10 and 11 December 2014. This will be an elective General Assembly. Reminder:…
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